JAMES LEGAL SERVICES, P.C. provides comprehensive civil trial
consulting from beginning to end on a “full case” or “as needed” basis. JLS
can advise and assist in:

- Case evaluation and investigation;
- Development of a discovery plan;
- Discovery drafting and enforcement;
- Document production, review, organization and compilation;
- Assistance in research and drafting pleadings, discovery, motions, briefs, witness outlines, voir dire, jury questionnaires and post trial proceedings;
- Preparation of attorneys and witnesses for deposition and trial;
- Settlement assistance—negotiation strategies, positioning for strong settlement posture, and preparation of settlement/mediation materials including settlement videos;
- Advice and assistance in identifying and preparing trial exhibits;
- Advice and assistance with trial themes, strategies, organization and support;
- Jury consulting including mock trials, focus groups, shadow juries, and voir dire preparation and strategies.
JLS trial consulting services can not only enhance the
outcome of the client’s case, but can also save a significant amount of
time and money. By doing early investigation and evaluation, developing
strategies, and applying proven discovery and pretrial techniques, cases
can be handled more efficiently than if the attorney had to “reinvent
the wheel.” With JLS working behind the scenes, attorneys can use their
time and handle their regular case load more effectively, while devoting
the focus and persistence necessary to successful resolution of serious
cases. Depending on the case and services desired, our fees can be
earned on either an hourly or contingent basis.
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should
not be based solely upon advertisements.