You Work Hard on your Case. Your Mediator Should Too.
Randy James has mediated and negotiated dozens of cases to
settlement. In the course of that experience he has developed a number of
ideas to make the mediation/negotiation process more productive in
facilitating the parties finding common ground and ultimately reaching an
agreement. In addition to this experience, he has completed 40 hours of
formal mediation training through the Center for Dispute Resolution at
Missouri State University and the Washington University School of Law
Alternative Dispute Program, as well as the 21 hour program conducted by the
University of Missouri School of Law, Center for Dispute Resolution. Randy
is also a member of the Board of Driectors of the Association of Missouri

With the proliferation of alternative dispute resolution in the past several
years, it is important for ADR to be thought of as a time and cost saving
exercise, rather than an expensive waste of time. Generally, by the time of
mediation the parties have spent months or years preparing their case. To be
successful, the mediator must respect this preparation and learn as much
from it as possible. This requires the mediator to be prepared and to
understand the complexities, subtleties and under currents that can impact
the resolution of a case.
Our philosophy is to work to bring the parties together to emphasize their
common goals, interests and risks rather than their differences. Whereas the
prevailing model is to separate the parties as soon as possible and shuttle
offers and counter offers back and forth, we will strive to encourage
interaction in the process, while respecting the interests of privacy when
We also realize that many cases, particularly complex cases do not resolve
themselves in one session. Once we are retained in a case, we will continue
to work with the parties as long as progress is being made toward ultimate
resolution, whether through face to face meetings or by telephone. At the
end of each joint session, the agreements reached to that point will be
documented to better facilitate future discussions.
JLS will help resolve virtually any civil dispute from domestic cases,
insurance claims and contract matters to serious personal injury and death
cases. Our fees are generally earned on an hourly basis, but depending on
the case may be charged as a flat fee.